Vintage NonSports: Later Candy and Gum

R165 1939 Gum Inc War News Pictures
R165 5 German Air Student.jpg R165 7 Polish Big Bertha.jpg R165 8 Torpedo Boat.jpg R165 9 Inside the Siegfried Line.jpg R165 11 British Tank Crew.jpg R165 12 Polish Troops On The March.jpg R165 13 Lowering A Depth Charge.jpg R165 14 General Ironsides.jpg R165 15 Decontamination Squad.jpg R165 17 Searchlights In London.jpg R165 18 French Motorcycle Unit.jpg R165 19 German Torpedo Boat.jpg R165 20 Guns On German Cruiser In Action.jpg R165 22 Preview Of London Evacuation.jpg R165 25 Living Quarters.jpg R165 26 President Moscicki of Poland.jpg R165 27 Signing Soviet - German Pact.jpg R165 29 Poland's Smigly-Rydz.jpg R165 31 Hitler Congratulates.jpg R165 35 German Submarine Base At Kiel.jpg R165 37 Controlling London's Defense.jpg R165 39 Frances General Gamelin.jpg R165 41 Admiral Raeder.jpg R165 42 The Siege of Westerplatte.jpg R165 47 Germany's Von Brauchitsch.jpg R165 48 Sinking of the Athenia.jpg R165 49 French Battleship Dunkerque.jpg R165 50 German Submarine.jpg R165 51 British Fifteen-Ton Hornel At Sea.jpg R165 52 Guns of the Maginot.jpg R165 53 Balloon Barrage.jpg R165 54 German Manned Avia Fighters.jpg R165 56 German Junkers Bomber.jpg R165 57 French Tank In Action.jpg R165 59 Air Infantry.jpg R165 60 Flame-Throwers.jpg R165 61 Schnellboote.jpg R165 62 British Battleship Rodney.jpg R165 63 British Destroyer Straddling.jpg R165 64 Australian Wirraway.jpg R165 65 French Torpedo Planes Air Escort.jpg R165 66 Germany's Heligoland.jpg R165 68 Air Raid Shelter.jpg R165 69 Gas Raid Rescue Squad.jpg R165 70 Flame-Throwing Tank.jpg R165 72 Martin-Barlow Aerial Bomb.jpg R165 73 Flying Boats.jpg R165 74 British Bomb German Ships.jpg R165 75 Air Raid Sirens Send Parisians To Cellars.jpg R165 76 Destroyer Sinks Stangely Disguised U-Boat.jpg R165 78 British Troops Are Welcomed In France.jpg R165 81 Plane Bombs U-Boat After Freighter Is Sunk.jpg R165 82 Aircraft Carrier Courageous Torpedoed.jpg R165 83 Russia's Red Army.jpg R165 86 French Flyers Raid.jpg R165 87 Poles Capture Tanks.jpg R165 88 Polish Soldiers and Refugees Leave Warsaw.jpg R165 89 Sub Crew Saved.jpg R165 90 Hela Peninsula.jpg R165 91 U-Boat Lands Shipwrecked Crew in Ireland.jpg R165 92 Largest Submarine Captures Nazi Ship.jpg R165 94 British Destroyer Fights Off Nazi Planes.jpg R165 95 Nazi U-Boat.jpg R165 96 Nazi Bombers Raid Scotland.jpg R165 97 Terror In The Carpathians.jpg R165 98 German Cannonade Rocks Neutral Country.jpg R165 99 Giant Plane Lands With The Goods.jpg R165 101 Russians Dump Propaganda In Poland.jpg R165 103 British Freighter.jpg R165 105 City of Flint.jpg R165 106 Sub Taxis.jpg R165 108 Warsaw's Sorrow.jpg R165 109 Independence Hall.jpg R165 110 Undersea Horrors.jpg R165 111 Firefighter Disables U-Boat.jpg R165 112 Downed Nazi Flyers.jpg R165 113 Nazi Robot Pamphleteer.jpg R165 114 Cruiser Lands Captured Germans.jpg R165 115 British Divers Take Dead Nazis.jpg R165 116 Mortars Scatter Nazis.jpg R165 117 Nazi U-Boat Sinks English Fisherman.jpg R165 118 Germans Attack French Frontier Village.jpg R165 119 City of Flint Sails.jpg R165 120 France Mobilizes Pigeons At Front.jpg R165 125 Nazi River Patrol Hit.jpg R165 126 Dutch Flood Defense Line.jpg R165 131 Nazi Bomber Flies to London.jpg R165 138 Reds Make Costly Gain.jpg