Vintage NonSports: Early Candy and Gum

R69 Gum Inc Horrors of War (Complete Set)
R69 1 Marco Polo Bridge Is Scene Of First Fighting.jpg R69 2 Chinese Big Sword Corps Resists Jap Forces.jpg R69 3 US Marine Shot.jpg R69 4 War Planes Over Tientsin.jpg R69 5 Chinese Pursuers Shoot Down Jap Planes.jpg R69 6 Suicide Squad Of Japs Is Blasted At Woosung.jpg R69 7 Blowing Down The Ancient Walls Of Paoshan.jpg R69 8 Tokio Tank Fires On British Troops And Refugees.jpg R69 9 U.S.S. Panay Is Attacked By The Japanese.jpg R69 10 Twenty Naked Chinese Nationalists Charge Foe.jpg R69 11 Japanese Flagship Assailed In Whangpoo.jpg R69 12 Chinese Bombs Rain Death In Shanghai.jpg R69 13 Trapping The Japanese At Nankow Pass.jpg R69 14 Bomb Kills Passengers On Shanghai Trolley.jpg R69 15 USS Augusta Hit By Shell.jpg R69 16 Japanese Attack Train At Wusih.jpg R69 17 Girl Scout Carries Flag To Doomed Men.jpg R69 18 Japanese Bomb Orphanage At Kashing.jpg R69 19 Murder At Monarchist's Funeral.jpg R69 20 Spanish Insurgents Bomb Government Territory.jpg R69 21 The Siege Of Toledo.jpg R69 22 Big Shells Kill Madrid Children At Play.jpg R69 23 Early Campaign Tactics Of Italy In Ethiopa.jpg R69 24 Italian Squadrons Flying Low Slaughter Ethiopians.jpg R69 25 Chinese Fight Japs Inside Their Own Lines.jpg R69 26 Shells Splinter Deck of Tender with US Refugees.jpg R69 27 Mobs Add Terror To Shanghai Shambles.jpg R69 28 Shanghai Shoppers Blown Up By Bombs.jpg R69 29 Tokio Airman Attacks British Envoy.jpg R69 30 Street Fighting Tactics In Shanghai.jpg R69 31 Japanese Bombers Raid South Station.jpg R69 32 Shelling The Lost Battalion At Close Range.jpg R69 33 Japanese Slain In Ambush Near Peiping.jpg R69 34 Tokyo Bombers Invade The Dead.jpg R69 35 Anti-Aircraft Guns.jpg R69 36 Sanatarium Evacuates To Patients Under Fire.jpg R69 37 Japanese Seize Vessel And Destroy U.S. Flag.jpg R69 38 Scaling The Gates Of Nanking.jpg R69 39 Foe's Planes Trail The Chiangs.jpg R69 40 Panay Machine Gunners Fight Back.jpg R69 41 Chinese Victims of War.jpg R69 42 Mob Burns A Madrid Cathedral.jpg R69 43 A Loyalist Submarine.jpg R69 44 The Bombardment Of Almeria.jpg R69 45 Surrender Of Rebels At Teruel.jpg R69 46 Haile Selassie Mans A Machine Gun.jpg R69 47 Fierce Wallega Tribesmen Attack Italian Aces.jpg R69 48 Bombing An American School Building.jpg R69 49 Fugitives From The War Zones.jpg R69 50 Japanese Bomb Chinese Troops In Junks.jpg R69 51 Tokio Tanks In Action At Nanking.jpg R69 52 Chinese Use Gas In Counteroffensive.jpg R69 53 Bomb Wounds The Panay Commander.jpg R69 54 U.S.S. Panay Sinks As Crew Abandons Ship.jpg R69 55 Nanking's Week Of Horror.jpg R69 56 Nanking Retreat Turned Into A Rout.jpg R69 57 Japanese Soldiers Burn Their Dead.jpg R69 58 The Dynamiting Of Tsingtao.jpg R69 59 Chinese Granadiers Bomb Japanese Launch.jpg R69 60 American Homes Looted At Hangchow.jpg R69 61 Blowing Up The Wen River Bridge.jpg R69 62 Bombers Raid Jap Airdrome In New Defensive.jpg R69 63 The Chiangs Decorate Their Crack Fliers.jpg R69 64 Japanese Engineers Build A Pontoon Bridge.jpg R69 65 Chinese Women's Battalion On The March.jpg R69 66 Hedge Hoppers Strafe Chinese Positions.jpg R69 67 Women Fighters In Action In Spain.jpg R69 68 Rebel Howitzers Attack In Snowstorm.jpg R69 69 Gun Shells Daring War Reporters In Spain.jpg R69 70 Subway Blast Kills Madrid Civilians.jpg R69 71 The Emperor Leaves Ethiopia.jpg R69 72 Attack On American Legation At Addis Ababa.jpg R69 73 British Commander Breaks Up A Blockade.jpg R69 74 The Starving Children Of China.jpg R69 75 Hsia Ching-Yuan Saves His Doomed Men.jpg R69 76 Warning Of Air Raid In China.jpg R69 77 The Attack On The Gallant Ladybird.jpg R69 78 River Gate Is Death Trap For Chinese In Rout.jpg R69 79 Japans Triumphal Entry Into Nanking.jpg R69 80 Chiang's Son Leads Red Army Against Japs.jpg R69 81 Japanese Airmen Bombard Schools In Canton.jpg R69 82 U.S. Airman Shot Down Flying For China.jpg R69 83 Tokio Flotilla Runs Machine Gun Gauntlet.jpg R69 84 Tokio Marines Take Tsingtao Without A Fight.jpg R69 85 Jap Planes Bomb Yellow River Bridge.jpg R69 86 Chinese Schoolgirls Enlist For War Service.jpg R69 87 Chinese Bombers Raid Japanese Territory.jpg R69 88 Human Hands Warn Newspaper Publishers.jpg R69 89 Woman Photographer Crushed By Loyalist Tank.jpg R69 90 Depth Bomb Sinking Pirate Submarine.jpg R69 91 Floods Wash Out Fighting In Spain.jpg R69 92 Pirate Sub Torpedoes Dutch Freighter.jpg R69 93 Creck Rebel Cavalry Attacks Loyalists.jpg R69 94 Torpedoing The Rebel Cruiser Baleares.jpg R69 95 Ras Seyum's Bodyguard Defends Palace.jpg R69 96 Native Uprisings Harass Italian Rule.jpg R69 97 Chinese Army Hides Beneath Umbrellas.jpg R69 98 Dummy Chinese War Planes Are Bait For Japs.jpg R69 99 Ghoulish Dogs Haunt The Ruins Of China.jpg R69 100 Blizzard Halts Military Operations.jpg R69 101 Japanese General Killed In Ambush.jpg R69 102 Chinese Guerillas Wreck A Supply Train.jpg R69 103 Chinese Reds Flee Across Ice-Filled River.jpg R69 104 The Music Of Death.jpg R69 105 U.S. Marines Halt Japanese Troops.jpg R69 106 Man-Made Floods Drown Japanese Troops.jpg R69 107 Japanese Machine-Gun Enemy Air Pilot.jpg R69 108 Gibraltar Gives Refuge To Spaniards.jpg R69 109 Loyalist Flame-Thrower In Action.jpg R69 110 Rebel Bomb Floods Air Raid Shelter.jpg R69 111 Loyalist And Rebels Meet In Sea Battle.jpg R69 112 Hand-To-Hand Fighting In Aragon.jpg R69 113 Franco's Planes Strafe Barcelona By Night.jpg R69 114 Bomb Blows Penthouse From Roof Of Building.jpg R69 115 Barcelona Intersection Turned Into Shambles.jpg R69 116 Surrender Or Perish.jpg R69 117 Loyalists Surrender Arms And War Machines.jpg R69 118 Dynamite-Slingers Contest Rebel's Drive.jpg R69 119 Ethiopians Catch Italian Tank In Lion Trap.jpg R69 120 Italian Artillery Attacks Amba Aradam.jpg R69 121 Japanese Apply Torch To Dead Farmer.jpg R69 122 Hong Kong Builds New Fortifications.jpg R69 123 Wine-Sotted Soldier Kills Villagers.jpg R69 124 Japanese Bomb Railhead At Suchow.jpg R69 125 Seeking Life In The Face Of Death.jpg R69 126 Chinese Cavalry Surrounds Garrison Of Japs.jpg R69 127 Spear-Armed Farmers Assault Japanese.jpg R69 128 Chinese Universities Flee From War.jpg R69 129 Swimming Jap Cavalry Repulsed By Chinese.jpg R69 130 Japanese Tunnel Under Wall To Their Doom.jpg R69 131 Chiang Kai-Shek Commanding His Troops.jpg R69 132 Chinese Motorized Unit With Amphibious Tasks.jpg R69 133 Loyalists Take Rebels Prisoners In Barcelona.jpg R69 134 Loyalist Air Raid At Majorca.jpg R69 135 A Battle From A Rooftop In Barcelona.jpg R69 136 Loyalists Bombard Algeciras With Big Guns.jpg R69 137 Movie Crowds Are Caught By Rebel Shells.jpg R69 138 Bombed Church Dome Crushes War Orphans.jpg R69 139 Franco Retakes Teruel In Bloody Night Battle.jpg R69 140 Rebels Clean Up Teruel After Recapture.jpg R69 141 Populace Streams Underground To Avoid Bombs.jpg R69 142 Fleeing Loyalists Freeze In Mountains.jpg R69 143 Italians Bomb Red Cross Unit At Kworam.jpg R69 144 Meat On-The-Hoof, Dropped From The Sky.jpg R69 145 Lake Dwellers Sell Out To Japs.jpg R69 146 Chinese Terrorists Meet Death In Nanking.jpg R69 147 Airmen Destroy Pontoon Bridge To Trap Japs.jpg R69 148 Clearing The Battlefield For Action In China.jpg R69 149 Delousing Party Behind The Japanese Lines.jpg R69 150 Chinese Airmen Score Spectacular Triumph.jpg R69 151 Swords And Bayonets Clash In Bloody Fight.jpg R69 152 Shanghai University Head Slain By Gunmen.jpg R69 153 Death Among The Water Lillies.jpg R69 154 Jap Planes Bomb Uniform Factory At Canton.jpg R69 155 Cantonese Parade Through Coffin-Lined Streets.jpg R69 156 Japs Burn Villages To Smoke Out Guerillas.jpg R69 157 The Scourge Of War In Spain.jpg R69 158 Planes Dump Explosives In Lerida School.jpg R69 159 Mistake In Identity Causes Loyalist Slaughter.jpg R69 160 Setting Off Propaganda Rockets In Spain.jpg R69 161 Franco Assumes Personal Command Near Lerida.jpg R69 162 Spanish Volunteers Swim Icy River.jpg R69 163 Loyalist President Leaves Barcelona.jpg R69 164 Catalan Women Build New Fortifications.jpg R69 165 Pontoon Bridges Aid Rebels To Cross Segre River.jpg R69 166 Liquid-Fire-Throwers Burn Their Way Through Loyalists.jpg R69 167 Askari Cavalrymen Advance On Adowa.jpg R69 168 Ethiopian Defenses At Tembien.jpg R69 169 Peiping State Procession.jpg R69 170 Tokio Bombers Drone Over Sacred Mountain.jpg R69 171 Little Devil Learns Jap Military Secrets.jpg R69 172 Japs Drive Against Chinese Pill Boxes.jpg R69 173 Disguised Guerilla Troops Prey On Japs.jpg R69 174 Women Propagandists Urge Chinese Patriotism.jpg R69 175 Japanese Women Learn How To Shoot.jpg R69 176 Trapped Japs Fed By Plane.jpg R69 177 Mute Signs Of A Resounding Battle.jpg R69 178 Jap Officers Commit Hara-Kiri.jpg R69 179 Wrecked Highway Brings Disaster To Foe.jpg R69 180 Jap Airplane Carriers Launch Mass Attacks.jpg R69 181 Men Against Machines.jpg R69 182 Franco Advances In Smoke Screen.jpg R69 183 Loyalists Open Flood Gates To Check Rebels.jpg R69 184 Rebels Trapped In Lerida By Ruse.jpg R69 185 Moors Attack City To Avenge Ancient Defeat.jpg R69 186 Rebels Brave Machine Guns At Lerida.jpg R69 187 Rebels Halted With Flares And Grenades.jpg R69 188 Rebels Cut Off Barcelona Power.jpg R69 189 Rebel Plane Bombs Loyalist Hospital Train.jpg R69 190 The Homeless Children Of Spain.jpg R69 191 Italian Conquest Proclaimed.jpg R69 192 Machine Guns Protect Italians From Bandits.jpg R69 193 Chinese Prisoners Foiled In Camp Escape.jpg R69 194 A Battle Among The Graves.jpg R69 195 Capture Of Soviet Pilot Causes Jap Protest.jpg R69 196 Chinese Guerillas Slaughter Jap Scouts.jpg R69 197 Ancestors Pay Price Of Treason In China.jpg R69 198 Chinese Recapture Birth Place Of Confucius.jpg R69 199 Japanese Are Blasted At Yihsien.jpg R69 200 Japs Recapture Lini In Revenge Drive.jpg R69 201 Farmers Of Famine.jpg R69 202 Japanese Retaliate By Bombing Passenger Ship.jpg R69 203 Jap Launches Halt British Ship Whangpoo.jpg R69 204 Emperor Hirohito's Birthday Raid.jpg R69 205 The Changing Tides Of Battle.jpg R69 206 The Deserted Village.jpg R69 207 Loyalists Cross Garonne To Safety.jpg R69 208 Insurgents Plant Their Banner At The Sea.jpg R69 209 Rebel Cavalry Commander Killed In Action.jpg R69 210 Rebels Dump Bombs On Pass Into France.jpg R69 211 Rebels Capture Loyalist Gold.jpg R69 212 Franco Pushes On Through Violent Rains.jpg R69 213 Living Wall At Alcala.jpg R69 214 Over The Top With Hand Grenades.jpg R69 215 Loyalists Abandon Armored Train Under Fire.jpg R69 216 Wartime Castel In Spain.jpg R69 217 Chinese Rout The Japs At Matowchen.jpg R69 218 An Assault On An Ancient Military Citadel.jpg R69 219 Yintak The Most Bombed Spot On Earth.jpg R69 220 Japanese Attack Amoy Fortifications.jpg R69 221 British Scientist Bayoneted By Sentry.jpg R69 222 Chinese Lifeline Cut By Tokio Troops.jpg R69 223 Chinese Bombers Drop Leaflets On Japan.jpg R69 224 Suchow Falls To The Invaders.jpg R69 225 Infuriated Chiang Orders Dawn Attacks.jpg R69 226 Cholera Breaks Out In Pootung.jpg R69 227 Chinese Trap Lawrence Of Manchuria In Vain.jpg R69 228 Japs Ruin Death In Canton Ignoring Protests.jpg R69 229 Japanese Human Bridges Aid Advance.jpg R69 230 No Man's Land On Aliaga Slope.jpg R69 231 Home-Going Madrilenos Killed By Shells.jpg R69 232 Loyalists Attach Hillside Trenches In Rain.jpg R69 233 Clear Weather Leads To Loyalist Trap.jpg R69 234 Spanish Rebel Planes Bomb French Border.jpg R69 235 Fierce Fight Marks New.jpg R69 236 Rebels And Allies Celebrate.jpg R69 237 Marketing Throngs Killed In Rebel Air Attack.jpg R69 238 Miaja's Nephews Fortify Heights.jpg R69 239 Rebels Bomb Alicante, Firing British Ship.jpg R69 240 The Frightful Cost Of War.jpg R69 241 Russian Troops Invade Jap-Claimed Territory.jpg R69 242 New Soviet Planes Conceal Troops In Wings.jpg R69 243 Soviet Cutter Lands On Island In Jap Clash.jpg R69 244 Russians Burn Village In Manchukuo.jpg R69 245 Japs Wrest Hilltop From Soviets In Fight.jpg R69 246 Soviet Planes Bomb Area Japs Claim.jpg R69 247 Soviets Repulsed In Dawn Attack.jpg R69 248 Jap Flares Disperse Fog And Expose Foe.jpg R69 249 Japanese German-Type Guns Reply To Soviet.jpg R69 250 Russian Bombers Raid Korean Villages.jpg R69 251 Devil-Worshiping Koreans View Dog Fights.jpg R69 252 Russian Tank Commander Is Purged.jpg R69 253 Jap Machine-Gunners Attack Reds In New Clash.jpg R69 254 Armistice Suspends Fighting On Border.jpg R69 255 The Last Bowl Of Rice.jpg R69 256 Daring Jap Unit Takes Susung In Hankow Drive.jpg R69 257 Crowds Cheer Execution Of Traitors.jpg R69 258 Chinese Unleash Yangtze Flood To Halt Japs.jpg R69 259 Chinese Plot Makes Death Dive In Yangtze.jpg R69 260 Child Of The Death Rain.jpg R69 261 Chinese Flee As Bombs Rake Hankow.jpg R69 262 Rebels Drop Curtain Of Fire In Ebro.jpg R69 263 Lone Raider Bombs Neutral Ships.jpg R69 264 Don't Shoot Your Brothers.jpg R69 265 Japs Torture Reds After Armistice.jpg R69 266 Red Police And Chinese Fight Over Flag.jpg R69 267 Jap Bombers Ignite U.S. Oil Tanks.jpg R69 268 Gun Boat Oahu Sails In Defiance Of Japs.jpg R69 269 Tokio Planes Wreck U.S. Pilot's Transport.jpg R69 270 Jap Machine-Gunners Pursue Swimming Airman.jpg R69 271 U.S. Monacacy Threatened By Mines.jpg R69 272 Chinese Protest Jap Use Of Poison Gas.jpg R69 273 Nanking Under Japanese Rule.jpg R69 274 Rebels Bomb Barcelona's Flower Promenade.jpg R69 275 Loyalists Adopt Submarine Mail Service.jpg R69 276 Spanish Raid Refugees Bury Their Dead.jpg R69 277 Hitler's Border Tour Raises War Scare.jpg R69 278 Italians Evict French Farmers In War Move.jpg R69 279 France Moves Troops To Frontier.jpg R69 280 Italians Evict French Farmers In War Move.jpg R69 281 Inside The Maginot Line.jpg R69 282 Horse Whipping Of Deputy Inflames Sudetens.jpg R69 283 Hitler Threatens Force To Free Sudetens.jpg R69 284 Germany's Amazing Mobile Big Gun.jpg R69 285 Sudetens And Czechs Engage In Civil War.jpg R69 286 Chamberlain Meets Hitler In Peace Effort.jpg R69 287 Premier Hodza Confers With Army Heads Over War.jpg R69 288 Czech President Surrenders As Mobs Cry Fight.jpg