Modern NonSports: Baking Soda Issues

J1 1890 Arm and Hammer Useful Birds of America (Complete Set)
J1 1 Crested Purple Finch.jpg J1 2 Black-throated Blue Wood Warbler.jpg J1 3 Common Blue Bird.jpg J1 4 American Redstart.jpg J1 5 Blackthroated Bunting.jpg J1 6 Cat-bird.jpg J1 7 Hermit Thrush.jpg J1 8 Canada Bunting.jpg J1 9 Ruby Crowned Kinglet.jpg J1 10 Savannah Bunting.jpg J1 11 Red-Bellied Woodpecker.jpg J1 12 Curlew Sandpiper.jpg J1 13 Purple Grakle or Common Crow Blackbird.jpg J1 14 Piping Plover.jpg J1 15 Kildeer Plover.jpg J1 16 Chestnut-Backed Titmouse.jpg J1 17 Carolina Turtle Dove.jpg J1 18 Hudson's Bay Titmouse.jpg J1 19 Chestnut Crowned Titmouse.jpg J1 20 Songfinch.jpg J1 21 Mango Hummingbird.jpg J1 22 Western Blue Bird.jpg J1 23 Barn or Chimney Swallow.jpg J1 24 Black Cap Titmouse.jpg J1 25 Belted Kingfisher.jpg J1 26 Common American Crow.jpg J1 27 Crested Titmouse.jpg J1 28 Black-headed Gold Finch.jpg J1 29 Great Carolina Wren.jpg J1 30 Mealy Redpoll Linnet.jpg J1 31 Californian Partridge.jpg J1 32 American Flamingo.jpg J1 33 Meadow Starling or Meadow Lark.jpg J1 34 Wandering Rose Bird.jpg J1 35 Blue Jay.jpg J1 36 Common Pine Finch.jpg J1 37 Painted Bunting.jpg J1 38 Red-Winged Starling.jpg J1 39 Oregon Snow-Bird.jpg J1 40 American Widgeon.jpg J1 41 Baltimore Oriole or Hang-Nest.jpg J1 42 Great Blue Heron.jpg J1 43 Louisiana Tanager.jpg J1 44 Lesser Redpoll Linnet.jpg J1 45 Canada Goose.jpg J1 46 American Swan.jpg J1 47 Red-Headed Duck.jpg J1 48 Great Red-Breasted Rail or Fresh-Water Marsh-Hen.jpg J1 49 Ruby-Throated Humming Bird.jpg J1 50 American Coot.jpg J1 51 Common American Partridge.jpg J1 52 Downy Wood Pecker.jpg J1 53 American Robin or Migratory Thrush.jpg J1 54 Black-Crowned Night Heron or Qua-Bird.jpg J1 55 Wood or Summer Duck.jpg J1 56 Buff-Breasted Merganser or Goosander.jpg J1 57 Great American White Egret.jpg J1 58 Common Cormorant.jpg J1 59 Hooded Merganser.jpg J1 60 Mallard.jpg