Modern NonSports: Lambert & Butler Cards

1930 Lambert & Butler Third Rhodesian Series (Complete Set)
30LB3RS 1 Howard Unwin Moffat.jpg 30LB3RS 2 A Zambesi 'Boy'.jpg 30LB3RS 3 A Mashukulumbwe.jpg 30LB3RS 4 Native Woman Pounding Corn.jpg 30LB3RS 5 Native Woman Weaving Baskets.jpg 30LB3RS 6 Native Mother and Child.jpg 30LB3RS 7 A Native Family.jpg 30LB3RS 8 A Piccanin at Wankie.jpg 30LB3RS 9 A Barotse Band.jpg 30LB3RS 10 Natives in Ceremonial Dress.jpg 30LB3RS 11 Dug outs on the Zambesi.jpg 30LB3RS 12 Building a Hut.jpg 30LB3RS 13 Removing an Ant Hill.jpg 30LB3RS 14 Trees Growing on Ant Hill.jpg 30LB3RS 15 An Ant Hill.jpg 30LB3RS 16 Baby Elephants.jpg 30LB3RS 17 Teasels.jpg 30LB3RS 18 The Indaba Tree.jpg 30LB3RS 19 Submersible Bridge.jpg 30LB3RS 20 Submersible Bridge.jpg 30LB3RS 21 Foot Bridge (Insiza).jpg 30LB3RS 22 A Granite Kopje.jpg 30LB3RS 23 Kalambo Falls.jpg 30LB3RS 24 The Shangani Patrol Memorial.jpg 30LB3RS 25 Wankie Colliery.jpg