Modern NonSports: Player's Tobacco Cards

1916 Player's Cries of London 1st Series (Complete Set)
16PCL1 1 Baskets!.jpg 16PCL1 2 Band Boxes!.jpg 16PCL1 3 Six Bunches a Penny, Sweet Lavender!.jpg 16PCL1 4 Sand, Ho!.jpg 16PCL1 5 Rabbits!.jpg 16PCL1 6 Baking or Boiling Apples!.jpg 16PCL1 7 Bellows to Mend!.jpg 16PCL1 8 Cats' and Dogs' Meat!.jpg 16PCL1 9 Hair Brooms.jpg 16PCL1 10 Water Cresses!.jpg 16PCL1 11 Dust, Ho!.jpg 16PCL1 12 Sweep Soot, Ho!.jpg 16PCL1 13 New Mackrel, New Mackrel.jpg 16PCL1 14 Strawberrys Scarlet Strawberrys.jpg 16PCL1 15 Do You Want Any Matches.jpg 16PCL1 16 Turnips & Carrots Ho.jpg 16PCL1 17 Two Bunches a Penny Primroses, two Bunches a Penny.jpg 16PCL1 18 Round and Sound, Fivepence a Pound Duke Cherries.jpg 16PCL1 19 Hot Spice Ginger bread Smoking Hot!.jpg 16PCL1 20 Fresh Gathered Peas Young Hastings.jpg 16PCL1 21 Knives, Scissars and Razors to Grind.jpg 16PCL1 22 Old Chairs to Mend.jpg 16PCL1 23 Sweet China Oranges, Sweet China.jpg 16PCL1 24 Milk below Maids.jpg 16PCL1 25 A New Love Song, only Ha'penny a Piece.jpg