NonSports: Lambert & Butler Cards

1930 Lambert & Butler Garden Life (Complete Set)
30LBGL 1 Ants and Part of Nest.jpg 30LBGL 2 Aphides, or Green fly.jpg 30LBGL 3 Cabbage Moth, Larva and Pupa.jpg 30LBGL 4 Celery Fly and Larva.jpg 30LBGL 5 Centipedes.jpg 30LBGL 6 Cockchafer, Larva and Pupa.jpg 30LBGL 7 Crane fly, Larva and Pupa.jpg 30LBGL 8 Devil's Coach Horse Beetle.jpg 30LBGL 9 Earwigs and Eggs.jpg 30LBGL 10 Lackey Moth, Larva and Nest.jpg 30LBGL 11 Ladybirds, Pupae, and Larva.jpg 30LBGL 12 Large White Butterfly, Larva and Pupa.jpg 30LBGL 13 Millepedes.jpg 30LBGL 14 Pea Moth and Larvae.jpg 30LBGL 15 Pear Midge and Larvae.jpg 30LBGL 16 Plum Fruit Saw fly.jpg 30LBGL 17 Rose Chafer and Larva.jpg 30LBGL 18 Slugs.jpg 30LBGL 19 Small Ermine Moth and Nest.jpg 30LBGL 20 Garden Snail and Eggs.jpg 30LBGL 21 Snail Slug.jpg 30LBGL 22 Garden Spider and Cocoon.jpg 30LBGL 23 Vine Louse.jpg 30LBGL 24 Weevils.jpg 30LBGL 25 Woodlice.jpg