Modern NonSports: Player's Tobacco Cards

1929 Player's Curious Beaks (Complete Set)
28PCB 1 The Great Auk.jpg 28PCB 2 The Avocet.jpg 28PCB 3 The Groove billed Barbet.jpg 28PCB 4 The Sickle billed Bird of Paradise.jpg 28PCB 5 The Boat bill.jpg 28PCB 6 The Cormorant.jpg 28PCB 7 The Crossbill.jpg 28PCB 8 The Curlew.jpg 28PCB 9 The Dodo.jpg 28PCB 10 The Musk Duck.jpg 28PCB 11 The White tailed Sea Eagle.jpg 28PCB 12 The King Eider.jpg 28PCB 13 The Flamingo.jpg 28PCB 14 The Friar Bird.jpg 28PCB 15 The Frigate Bird.jpg 28PCB 16 The Eared Frog mouth.jpg 28PCB 17 The Black backed Gallinule.jpg 28PCB 18 The Goosander.jpg 28PCB 19 The Black backed Goose.jpg 28PCB 20 The Hawfinch.jpg 28PCB 21 The Homral.jpg 28PCB 22 The Crowned Hornbill.jpg 28PCB 23 The Plait billed Hornbill.jpg 28PCB 24 The Rhinoceros Hornbill.jpg 28PCB 25 The Hula.jpg 28PCB 26 The Sword billed Humming Bird.jpg 28PCB 27 The Wood Ibis.jpg 28PCB 28 The American Jabiru.jpg 28PCB 29 The Australian Jacana.jpg 28PCB 30 Mantell's Kiwi.jpg 28PCB 31 The Blue & Yellow Macaw.jpg 28PCB 32 The Nightjar.jpg 28PCB 33 The Brown Pelican.jpg 28PCB 34 The Giant Petrel.jpg 28PCB 35 Knob billed Fruit Pigeon.jpg 28PCB 36 The Puffin.jpg 28PCB 37 The Thick billed Raven.jpg 28PCB 38 The Razorbill.jpg 28PCB 39 The Spon billed Sandpiper.jpg 28PCB 40 The scissor bill or Skimmer.jpg 28PCB 41 The Common Scoter.jpg 28PCB 42 The Sheldrake.jpg 28PCB 43 The Shoe bill.jpg 28PCB 44 The Shoveller.jpg 28PCB 45 The Common Spoonbill.jpg 28PCB 46 The Saddle beaked Stork.jpg 28PCB 47 The African Shell Stork.jpg 28PCB 48 The Black necked Swan.jpg 28PCB 49 The Toucan.jpg 28PCB 50 The King Vulture.jpg