Modern NonSports: Ogden's Tobacco Cards

1922 Ogden's Poultry Rearing & Management (Complete Set)
22OPR 1 The Transit of Day Old Chicks.jpg 22OPR 2 How to Make a Nest for a Sitting Hen.jpg 22OPR 3 Fireless Brooder.jpg 22OPR 4 Ventilation for Poultry Houses.jpg 22OPR 5 Small Intensive House.jpg 22OPR 6 Pegging Poultry Wire.jpg 22OPR 7 Stretching Wire Netting.jpg 22OPR 8 Gate and Fasteners for Poultry Runs.jpg 22OPR 9 Preparing Soft Food.jpg 22OPR 10 Trap Nests.jpg 22OPR 11 Testing Eggs for Fertility.jpg 22OPR 12 Grit and Shell Box.jpg 22OPR 13 Hospital for Poultry.jpg 22OPR 14 Scratching Sheds.jpg 22OPR 15 Sitting a Broody Hen.jpg 22OPR 16 Dust Bath.jpg 22OPR 17 Protecting the Sitting Hen from Rats.jpg 22OPR 18 Scaly Legs.jpg 22OPR 19 Cockerel or Pullet.jpg 22OPR 20 Hopper Feeding.jpg 22OPR 21 Chicken Water Fountain.jpg 22OPR 22 Gapes.jpg 22OPR 23 Fattening Coops.jpg 22OPR 24 Chicken Lice.jpg 22OPR 25 The Sleigh House.jpg