Modern NonSports: Wills's Tobacco Cards

1912 Wills's Historic Events (Complete Set)
12WHE 1 The Landing of the Romans.jpg 12WHE 2 Martyrdom of St. Alban.jpg 12WHE 3 Maximus Proclaimed Emperor.jpg 12WHE 4 St. Augustine in England.jpg 12WHE 5 King Alfred and the Cakes.jpg 12WHE 6 Eight Princes Rowing King Edgar down the Dee.jpg 12WHE 7 The Murder of Edward the Martyr.jpg 12WHE 8 The Death of William Rufus.jpg 12WHE 9 The Wreck of the White Ship.jpg 12WHE 10 The Murder of Becket.jpg 12WHE 11 King John Granting the Magna Carta.jpg 12WHE 12 The First Prince of Wales.jpg 12WHE 13 Wat Tyler's Rebellion.jpg 12WHE 14 The Battle of Aglacourt.jpg 12WHE 15 The Plucking of the Rival Roses.jpg 12WHE 16 Caxton's Printing Press.jpg 12WHE 17 The Murder of the Princes.jpg 12WHE 18 Cabot Sailing from Bristol.jpg 12WHE 19 Cardinal Wolsey Dismissed.jpg 12WHE 20 The Execution of Lady Jane Grey.jpg 12WHE 21 The Burning of Latimer and Ridley.jpg 12WHE 22 The Escape of Mary Queen of Scots.jpg 12WHE 23 Raleigh Smoking.jpg 12WHE 24 Queen Elizabeth and Sir Wanter Raleigh.jpg 12WHE 25 The Execution of Mary Queen of Scots.jpg 12WHE 26 Drake's Game of Bowls.jpg 12WHE 27 The Wreck of the Armada.jpg 12WHE 28 Shakespeare Reading to Queen Elizabeth.jpg 12WHE 29 The Arrest of Guy Fawkes.jpg 12WHE 30 Charles I Demanding the Surrender of the Five Members.jpg 12WHE 31 The Execution of Charles I.jpg 12WHE 32 Charles II Hiding in the Oak Tree.jpg 12WHE 33 Cromwell Dissolving the Rump Parliament.jpg 12WHE 34 The Great Fire of London.jpg 12WHE 35 The Trial of the Seven Bishops.jpg 12WHE 36 Capture of Gibraltar.jpg 12WHE 37 The South Sea Bubble.jpg 12WHE 38 The Battle of Dattingen.jpg 12WHE 39 The Battle of Cutloden.jpg 12WHE 40 Prince Charlie and Flora Macdonald.jpg 12WHE 41 The Battle of Plassey.jpg 12WHE 42 The Gordon Riots.jpg 12WHE 43 The Glorious 1st of June.jpg 12WHE 44 Nelson at the Battle of the Nile.jpg 12WHE 45 The Battle of Trafalgar.jpg 12WHE 46 Napoleon on the Bellerophon.jpg 12WHE 47 The Announcement of Queen Victoria's Accession.jpg 12WHE 48 The Retreat From Cabul.jpg 12WHE 49 The Funeral of the Duke of Wellington.jpg 12WHE 50 The Funeral of Edward VII.jpg