NonSports: Later 19th Century Tobacco

N462 Cameron and Sizer New Discovery
N462 After Whom Virginia Was Named.jpg N462 Cameron & Sizer New Discovery Americus Vespucius.jpg N462 Captain John Smith.jpg N462 Captain Miles Standish and Elder Brewster.jpg N462 Columbus.jpg N462 Costume of English Countryman.jpg N462 Costume of English Countrywoman.jpg N462 Costume of Puritan of the Middle Class.jpg N462 English Walnut Pipe.jpg N462 Henry VII Of England.jpg N462 Introduction of Tobacco into England 1585.jpg N462 John Cabot.jpg N462 Landing of the Pilgrims.jpg N462 Lord De La Warr.jpg N462 Pocahontas.jpg N462 Sir Walter Ralegh.jpg