Wayne Delia's Card Images Project

Search Results for "Foster" in Baseball

Displaying 307 results:

1976 Hostess Panels 76HP 36 George Foster Denny Doyle Earl Williams

1976 Hostess 76H 106 Foster

1977 Hostess Panels 77HP 14 George Foster Gary Carter John Denny

1977 Hostess 77H 40 Foster

1978 Hostess 78H 2 Foster

1979 Hostess Panels 79HP 36 Carlton Fisk George Foster Keith Hernandez

1979 Hostess 79H 107 Foster

1981 Drake's Big Hitters 81DBH 18 Foster

1982 Drake's Big Hitters 82DBH 13 George Foster

1983 Drake's Big Hitters 83DBH 8 George Foster

D317-1 1946 Remar Bread 46RB 15 Foster

D317-2 1947 Remar Bread 47RB 9 Foster

D317-4 1949 Remar Bread 49RB 7 Foster

1989 Best Canton Akron Indians 89BCAI 15 Lindsay Foster

1989 Best Cedar Rapids Reds 89BCRR 2 Steve Foster

1989 Best Stockton Ports 89BSP 21 Bryan Foster

1981 Coca Cola Cincinnati Reds 81CCR 5 George Foster

1981 Squirt 81SQ 2 George Foster

2000 Bowman 2000B 170 Quincy Foster

2001 Bowman Draft Picks and Prospects 01BDPP BDP36 Kris Foster

E121 1921 American Caramel Set of 80 E121-80 29 Foster

E135 Collins McCarthy E135 51 Foster

1977 Kellogg's 77K 1 George Foster

1978 Kellogg's 78K 10 Foster

1979 Kellogg's 79K 32 Foster

1980 Kellogg's 80K 50 George Foster

1981 Kellogg's 81K 1 George Foster

1982 Kellogg's 82K 56 Foster

1983 Kellogg's 83K 22 Foster

1991 Classic Best Sumter Flyers 91CBSF 4 Kevin Foster

1992 Classic I 92C1 T35 Steve Foster

1971 Dell Stamps 71D 391 Alan Foster

1971 Dell Stamps 71D 392 Roy Foster

1975 SSPC Set of 630 76SSPC 115 Foster

1975 SSPC Set of 630 76SSPC 44 Foster

1978 SSPC 270 78SSPC 113 George Foster

1990 Elite Senior League 90E 112 Foster

1990 Elite Senior League 90E 124 Foster

1990 T and M Senior League 90TM 36 Foster

1991 Conlon 1991C 138 Rube Foster

1992 Action Packed 92AP 61 Foster

1977 Dairy Isle Discs 77DI 22 Foster

1981 Donruss 81D 65 George Foster

1982 Donruss 82D 274 Foster

1983 Donruss 83D 427 George Foster

1983 Donruss 83D 6 George Foster

1984 Donruss Champions 84DC 2 George Foster

1984 Donruss 84D 312 George Foster

1985 Donruss 85D 603 George Foster

1985 Leaf Donruss 85L 42 George Foster

1986 Donruss 1986D 116 George Foster

1992 Donruss 92D 420 Foster RR

1993 Donruss 93D 666 Foster

1995 Donruss 95D 296 Foster

1995 Leaf 95L 45 Kevin Foster

1996 Donruss 96D 294 Foster

2002 Donruss Originals 02DO 13 John Foster

2002 Donruss The Rookies 02DTR 77 John Foster

2005 Donruss Champions 05DC 351 George Foster

Albums A35 Brown Foster George Tiernan

B18 Blankets B18 Foster GP

BF2 Pennants BF2 Foster

1995 Flair 95FLA 331 Kevin Foster

1996 Flair 96FF 214 Kevin Foster

1981 Fleer 81F 202 Foster

1981 Fleer 81F 216 Foster

1982 Fleer 82F 630 Big Red Machine (Dan Driessen-Dave Concepcion-George Foster)

1982 Fleer 82F 66 George Foster

1983 Fleer 83F 542 George Foster

1984 Fleer 84F 584 George Foster

1985 Fleer 1985F 79 George Foster

1986 Fleer 1986F 80 George Foster

1993 Fleer 1993F 33 Steve Foster

1995 Fleer 95F 414 Foster

1996 Fleer 1996F 316 Kevin Foster

1981 Fleer Star Stickers 81FSS 41 Foster

1982 Fleer Stamps 82FS 12 George Foster

1983 Fleer Stamps 83FS 65 George Foster

1992 Fleer Update 92FU 80 Steve Foster

1993-94 Fleer Excel 93FE 5 Jim Foster

1994 Fleer ProCards 94FPC 1715 Mark Foster

2001 Fleer Greats of the Game 01FGOTG 111 Rube Foster

2001 Fleer Greats of the Game 01FGOTG 68 George Foster

2002 Fleer Tradition Update 02FTU U67 John Foster

2006 Fleer Greats of the Game 06FGOTG 43 George Foster

1984 Nestle 84N 350 George Foster

1980 O Pee Chee 80OPC 209 George Foster

1981 O Pee Chee 81OPC 200 George Foster

1982 O Pee Chee 82OPC 177 George Foster

1982 O Pee Chee 82OPC 336 George Foster

1982 O Pee Chee 82OPC 342 George Foster

1983 O Pee Chee 83OPC 80 George Foster

1984 O Pee Chee 84OPC 350 George Foster

1985 O Pee Chee 85OPC 170 George Foster

1986 O Pee Chee 86OPC 69 George Foster

1992 O Pee Chee 92OPC 528 Steve Foster

Misc Foreign Issues 1927-28 Mallorquina 12 Foster

2002 Grandstand Portland Sea Dogs 02GPSD 8 Quincy Foster

2010 Helmar 4-in-1 10H4 18 Crawford Foster Foster Williams

2010 Helmar 4-in-1 10H4 53 Oms Hill Foster Lloyd

2010 Helmar 4-in-1 10H4 Foster Bench Concepcion Geronimo

2010 Helmar Boston Garter H813-4 10HBG 15 Foster

2010 Helmar Boston Garter H813-4 10HBG 68 Foster

2010 Helmar R319 R319H 219 Foster

2010 Helmar R319 R319H 344 Foster Rube

2010 Helmar R319 R319H 358 Foster

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Colgan's 10HPCC 39 Foster Pink Sky

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Blue Sky

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Green Background

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Natural Sky

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Orange Sky

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Pastel Sky

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Purple Background

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Purple Sky

2010 Helmar T206 Pharaoh's Choice Tobacco 10HPC 39 Foster Stadium Background

2012 Helmar L3 Leathers L3H 195 Foster Black

2012 Helmar L3 Leathers L3H 195 Foster Green

2012 Helmar L3 Leathers L3H 195 Foster Pastel

2012 Helmar L3 Leathers L3H 195 Foster Purple

2012 Helmar L3 Leathers L3H 195 Foster Rose

2013 Ars Longa Beginnings 13ALB 54 Foster

2013 Ars Longa Pilgrims 13ALP 34 Foster

2013 Ars Longa Pilgrims 13ALP 35 Foster

2013 Ars Longa Pioneer Portraits Series 2 13ALPP2 35 Foster

2014 Ars Longa 1880s AL1880 Foster

2014 Helmar Oasis 14HO 135 Foster Murad

2014 Helmar Oasis 14HO 135 Foster Piedmont

2014 Helmar Oasis 14HO 343 Foster

2015 Ars Longa Diamond Heads 15ALDH Foster

2015 Helmar Famous Athletes 05HFA 27 Foster

2016 Helmar T3 16HT3 125 Foster

Who's Who Magazines WWBB 1978 Foster Carew

1980 Burger King Pitch, Hit and Run 80BKPHR 15 George Foster

1994 Kahn's Cincinnati Reds 94KCR 11 Steve Foster

Baseball Card Original Art OA 14HO Foster

Baseball Card Original Art OA 2010 Helmar R319 Foster Bill

Baseball Card Original Art OA 2010 Helmar R319 Foster Willie

1975 Dean's Photo Service San Diego Padres 75DPS 4 Alan Foster

1976 Dean's Photo Service San Diego Padres 76DPS 6 Alan Foster

1976 Kroger Cincinnati Reds 76KCR 8 George Foster

1982 K Mart 82KM 32 George Foster

1982 Kmart 20th Anniversary 82KM 32 Foster

1990 Target Dodgers 90TD 251 Alan Foster

1990 Grand Slam Chattanooga Lookouts 90GSCL 14 Steve Foster

1990 Kinston Indians Team Issue 90KITI 14 Lindsay Foster

1991 Line Drive AA 91LDAA 158 Steve Foster

1991 Line Drive AA 91LDAA 58 Lindsay Foster

1991 Nashville Sounds Team Issue 91NSTI 7 Steve Foster

1992 SkyBox 92SB 82a Lindsay Foster

2002 MultiAd Lakewood Blueclaws 02MALB 10 Gregg Foster

1992 Action Packed ASG 92APASG 61 George Foster

UO10 1948 Signal Oil 48SO 7 Foster

1989 Pacific Legends II 89PL2 173 George Foster

1990 Pacific Legends 90PL 72 George Foster

1990 Pacific Senior League 90PSL 114 George Foster

1991 Pacific Senior League 91PSL 75 Russ Foster

1994 Pacific Crown Collection 94PCC 147 Steve Foster

1995 Pacific 95PAC 69 Kevin Foster

1996 Pacific Crown Collection 96PACCC 22 Kevin Foster

Perez Steele HOF Art Cards PSHA 174 Foster

Perez Steele HOF Art Cards PSHA 226 Foster

1971 Cincinnati Reds Photocards 71CRP 11 George Foster

1974 Cincinnati Reds Photocards 74CRP 12 George Foster

1975 Cincinnati Reds Photocards 75CRP 15 George Foster

1947 Signal Gasoline 47SG Foster

1980 Topps Superstar Photos Gray Backs 80TSP 24 George Foster

1981 Topps Home Team Photos Cincinnati 81THTCIN 5 George Foster

News Service Wire Photos WP 1919 Ed Foster

1993 U.S. Playing Card Co Cincinnati Reds 93USPCCR 3H Steve Foster

1993 U.S. Playing Card Co Cincinnati Reds 93USPCCR 8C Steve Foster

1994 U.S. Playing Card Co Philadelphia Phillies 94USPCPP 8H Kevin Foster

WG1 Base Ball Playing Cards WG1 Foster

1966 James T. Elder Postcards 66EPC 291 Foster Edwards

1970 Mike Andersen Postcards 70MAPC Roy Foster

1972 Cleveland Indians Postcards 72CIP 10 Roy Foster

1985 Barry Colla Postcards 85BCPC 2685 George Foster

1985 TCMA New York Mets Postcards 85TCMANYM NYM85-33 George Foster

1986 Barry Colla New York Mets Postcards 86BCNYM 1286 George Foster

1986 TCMA New York Mets Postcards 86TCMANYMPC NYM86-25 George Foster

1995 Cooperstown Plaque Postcards 95CPP 202 Rube Foster - Negro Leagues

Cabinet Cards CAB 1894 Foster Foreman

Cabinet Cards CAB 1894 Foster Stafford

1986 ProCards San Jose Bees 86PCSJB 7 Ken Foster

1987 ProCards 87PC 1307 Paul Foster

1987 ProCards 87PC 1449 Lindsay Foster

1987 ProCards 87PC 2525 Randy Foster

1988 ProCards 88PC 1818 Steve Foster

1989 ProCards 89PC 1304 Lindsay Foster

1989 ProCards 89PC 393 Bryan Foster

1989 ProCards 89PC 936 Steve Foster

1990 ProCards 90PC2 3179 Lamar Foster

1991 ProCards 91PC 1461 Lindsay Foster

1991 ProCards 91PC 1953 Steve Foster

1991 ProCards 91PC 2327 Kevin Foster

1991 ProCards 91PC 3490 Lamar Foster

1991-92 ProCards Tomorrow's Heroes 91PCTH 216 Steve Foster

M101-4 1915 Sporting News M101-4 61 Foster

M101-5 1916 Sporting News M101-5 62 Foster

M116 Sporting Life M116 93 Foster

1995 Collector's Choice 95CC 214 Kevin Foster

1996 Collector's Choice 96CC 82 Kevin Foster

1997 Collector's Choice 97CC 288 Kevin Foster

1998 Collector's Choice 98CC 54 Kevin Foster

2002 SP Legendary Cuts 02SPLC 29 George Foster

2004 SP Legendary Cuts 04SPLC 44 George Foster

2006 SP Legendary Cuts 06SPLC 70 George Foster

2007 SP Legendary Cuts 07SPLC 26 George Foster

1993 Score 1993S 284 Steve Foster

1995 Pinnacle 1995P 393 Kevin Foster

1996 Score 1996S 92 Kevin Foster

1998 Pinnacle 1998P 104 Kevin Foster

1992 Stadium Club 92SC 826 Steve Foster

1995 Stadium Club 95STC 461 Kevin Foster

1996 Stadium Club 96SC 326 Kevin Foster

1988 Star Dunedin Blue Jays 88STDBJ 6 Lindsay Foster

1988 Star Lakeland Tigers 88STLT 11 Paul Foster

1989 Star Canton Akron Indians 89STCAI 6 Lindsay Foster

1989 Star Martinsville Phillies 89STMP 11 Lamar Foster

1989 Star 89ST 194 Steve Foster

1990 Star West Palm Beach Expos 90STWPBE 7 Kevin Foster

1979 TCMA 50's 79TCMA50 225 Foster Castleman

1981 TCMA 60's II 81TCMA60 465 Alan Foster

1991 Nobody Beats the Wiz New York Mets 91NBWNYM 123 George Foster

1991 Nobody Beats the Wiz New York Mets 91NBWNYM 124 Leo Foster

N172 Old Judge N172 Foster 1

N172 Old Judge N172 Foster 2

N173 Old Judge Premiums N173 Foster

T201 Hassan Double Folders T201 31 Foster

T206 White Borders T206 172 Foster

T210 Old Mill T210 Foster

T211 Red Sun T211 Foster

1970 Topps 70T 369 Foster

1971 Topps 71T 107 Foster

1971 Topps 71T 207 Foster

1971 Topps 71T 276 Foster

1972 Topps 72T 256 Foster

1972 Topps 72T 329 Foster

1972 Topps 72T 521 Foster

1973 Topps 73T 202 George Foster

1973 Topps 73T 399 George Foster

1973 Topps 73T 543 Alan Foster

1974 Topps 74T 442 Foster

1974 Topps 74T 646 Foster

1975 Topps 75T 296 Foster

1975 Topps 75T 418 Foster

1975 Topps 75T 87 Foster

1976 Topps 76T 179 Foster

1976 Topps 76T 266 Foster

1977 Topps 77T 108 Foster

1977 Topps 77T 347 Foster

1977 Topps 77T 458 Foster

1978 Topps 78T 229 Foster

1978 Topps 78T 500 Foster

1979 Topps 79T 600 Foster

1980 Topps 80T 400 Foster

1981 Topps Scratchoffs 81TSO 65 George Foster

1981 Topps Stickers 81TS 159 George Foster

1982 Topps Squirt 82TSQ 18 Foster

1982 Topps Stickers 82TS 126 George Foster

1982 Topps Stickers 82TS 40 George Foster

1983 Topps Stickers 83TS 263 George Foster

1986 Woolworth's Topps 86TW 11 George Foster

1990 Topps Seniors 90TS 1 Foster

1992 Topps Debut '91 92TD91 58 Steve Foster

1995 Finest 95FIN 24 Kevin Foster

1998 Topps Chrome 98TC 127 Kevin Foster

2001 Topps American Pie 01TAP 36 George Foster

2002 Topps Total 02TT 413 John Foster

2002 Topps Total 02TT 587 Kris Foster

2003 Topps All Time Fan Favorites 03TATFF 74 George Foster

2003 Topps Tribute World Series 03TTWS 114 George Foster

2004 Topps All Time Fan Favorites 04TATFF 102 George Foster

2012 Topps Golden Moments Series 1 2012TGM1 GM28 George Foster

1981 Topps 81T 200 Foster

1982 Topps 82T 342 Foster AS

1982 Topps 82T 700 Foster

1982 Topps 82T 701 Foster IA

1983 Topps 83T 80 Foster

1984 Topps 84T 350 Foster

1985 Topps 85T 170 Foster

1986 Topps 86T 680 Foster

1992 Topps 92T 528 Foster

1993 Topps 93T 193 Foster

1994 Topps 94T 786 Foster-Schall

1995 Topps 95T 412 Foster

1996 Topps 96T 62 Foster

1998 Topps 98T 127 Foster

2021 Topps 21T 426 Matt Foster

1982 Topps Traded 82TTR 36T Foster

1994 Topps Traded 94TTR 79T Foster

2001 Topps Archives 01TA 287 George Foster

2001 Topps Archives 01TA 392 George Foster

2002 Topps Archives Reserve 02TAR 30 George Foster

2002 Topps Archives 02TA 108 George Foster

2021 Topps Heritage 21TH 208 White Sox 2021 Rookie Stars (Dane Dunning Zack Burdi Matt Foster) RS, RC

1993 Ultra 93ULT 328 Steve Foster

1995 Ultra 95U 136 Kevin Foster

1994 Upper Deck All Time Heroes 94UDATH 182 George Foster

1995 Upper Deck 1995UD 314 Kevin Foster

1996 Upper Deck 1996UD 34 Kevin Foster

1998 Upper Deck Special F X 98UDSFX 32 Kevin Foster

1998 Upper Deck 1998UD 53 Kevin Foster

2001 Upper Deck Decade 1970's 01UDD70 132 George Foster

2001 Upper Deck Decade 1970's 01UDD70 162 George Foster

2001 Upper Deck Decade 1970's 01UDD70 89 George Foster

2003 Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic 03UDSSC 34 George Foster

2007 Upper Deck Sweet Spot Classic 07UDSSC 23 George Foster